Dr. Hari Prasad Dasari
Associate Professor • Energy Materials Research Laboratory
Chemical Engineering Department • National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal
Mangalore 575 025 • Karnataka • INDIA
Mobile: (+91) 9177304950
energyhari@nitk.edu.in(or) energyhari@gmail.com
Sept. 2019 - till date National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal
Department of Chemical Engineering
Associate Professor
04/ 2015 – Sept. 2019 National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal
Department of Chemical Engineering
Assistant Professor
Teaching: Energy Technology , Bio-Chemical Engineering & Bio-reactor Design
Research: Future Materials for Solid-Oxide Fuel/Electrolysis Cells
04/ 2014 – 04/2014 National Institute of Technology Warangal
Department of Chemical Engineering
Courses Tought: Fuel Cell Engineering , Chemical Reaction Engineering
Research: Future Materials for Solid-Oxide Fuel/Electrolysis Cells
05/ 2013 – 05/2014 California Institute of Technology
Department of Aplied Physics and Materials Science
Post-Doc Schlor (Supervisor: Prof. Sossina M. Haile)
Pasasdena, CA
09/ 2011 – 05/2013 Korea Institute of Science & Technology
High-Temperature Energy Materials Research Center
STAR Post-Doc Fellow(Supervisor: Dr. Jong-Ho Lee)
Seoul, Korea
09/ 2010 – 08/2011 Korea Institute of Science & Technology
High-Temperature Energy Materials Research Center
Visiting Scientist (Supervisor: Dr. Jong-Ho Lee)
Seoul, Korea
08/ 2005 – 08/2010 Korea Institute of Science & Technology
High-Temperature Energy Materials Research Center
Research Assitant (Supervisor: Dr. Jong-Ho Lee)
Seoul, Korea
2010 PhD., Nano-Materials Science and Engineering
Korea Institute of Science & Technology (Advisor : Dr. Jong-Ho Lee), Seoul, Korea
2005 M.Tech., Energy Systems
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, India
2003 B.Tech., Chemical Engineering
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, SRTIST, Nalgonda, India
Honors and Awards
2019 - SERB Impacting Research Innovation And Technology(IMPRINT II) Project, India 2019
2018 - Associate Fellow, Telangana Academy of sciences, Telangana, India.
2017 - DST – SERB, Early career research Award Department of Science and Technology, India.
2014 - DST-INSPIRE Faculty Award, Ministry and Department of Science and Technology, India.
2013 - Post-Doc Fellowship, California Institute of Technology, USA.
2011 - STAR Post-Doc Fellowship, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea.
2010 - Outstanding Academic Excellence Award (Ph.D.), Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea.
2009 - Overseas Research Exchange Support Program, University of Science and Technology, Korea. 2009
2008 - One of the Top 25 Hottest articles in Journal of European Ceramic Society, Science Direct.
Solid-Oxide Fuel Cells (anode and electrolyte development), Solid-Oxide Electrolysis cells (Hydrogen Electrode development), Heterogeneous Catalysis & catalyst development, Hydrocarbon Processing for Hydrogen production, Ceria-based materials, Nano-materials synthesis, processing and characterization.
X-Ray diffraction, Raman Scpectroscopy, Temperature Programmed Reduction/Oxidation, BET Surface Area, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Gas Chromotography, Diffusive Reflectance Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy/Transimission Electron Microscopy, Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis, X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy , Thermogravimetric analysis.
•Total Citations: 994•H-Index: 17• i10 Index: 23 • Total Impact Factor – 129
1. Studies on the SOC perovskite electrode materials for soot oxidation activity,
Chaitra Shenoy, Sunaina S Patil, GOVARDHAN P, Shourya Atmuri, Hari Prasad Dasari, Saidutta M B, Harshini Dasari, Emission Control Science and Technology- Accepted
2. Dilatometer Studies of Praseodymium Doped Ceria: Effect of synthesis methods on sintering behavior
Irfana Shajahan, Goverdhan P, Hari Prasad Dasari, Material Chemistry and Physics, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchemphys.2019.122211
3. Effect of Nd-doping on soot oxidation activity of Ceria-based nanoparticles synthesized by Glycine Nitrate Process
Sunaina Patil, Hari Prasad Dasari, Nano Structure and Objects 20, (2019), 100388
4. Effect of fuel and solvent on soot oxidation activity of Ceria nanoparticles synthesized by solution combustion method
Sunaina Patil, Hari Prasad Dasari, Materials Science for Energy Technology , 2 (2019) 485-489
5. Effect of ionic radius on soot oxidation activity for ceria based binary metal oxides
Anantharaman AP, Dasari HP, Dasari H, Babu G UB, Asia-PacJChem Engg (2019)
6. Surface morphology and phase stability effect of ceria –Hafnia (CHx)binary metal oxides on soot oxidation activity
Anajna P Anantharaman, Hari Prasad Dasari, Harshini Dasari, G Uday Bhaskar Babu, Applied Catalysis A General 566 (2018) 181-189
7. Praseodymium doped ceria as electrolyte material for IT-SOFC applications
Irfana Shajahan , Junsung Ahn, Parvathi Naira , Srikar Medisetti , Sunaina Patil , V. Niveditha , G. Uday Bhaskar Babu , Hari Prasad Dasari, Jong-Ho Lee, Material Chemistry and Physics 216 (2018) 136-142
8. Ceria-samarium binary metal oxides: A comparative approach towards structural properties and soot oxidation activity
Anjana P Anantharaman, J Geethu, Hari Prasad Dasari, Jong-Ho Lee, Harshini Dasari, G Uday Bhaskar Babu, Molecular Catalysis 451 (2018) 247-254
9. Effect of synthesis method on structural properties and soot oxidation activity of gadolinium-doped ceria
Anjana P. Anantharaman, Hemanth J. Gadiyar, Mythili Surendran, A. Sumadhura Rao, Hari Prasad Dasari, Harshini Dasari, G. Uday Bhaskar Babu, Chemical Papers 72 (2018) 3179-3188
10. Soot Oxidation Activity of Redox and Non-Redox Metal Oxides Synthesized by EDTA–Citrate Method
Anjana P Anantharaman, Hari Prasad Dasari, Jong-Ho Lee, Harshini Dasari, G Uday Bhaskar Babu, Catalysis Letters 147 (2017) 3004-3016
11. Synthesis of GDC electrolyte material for IT-SOFCs using glucose & fructose and its characterization
Medisetti Srikar, Ahn Junsung, Patil Sunaina, Goel Apoorva, Bangaru Yaswanth, Sabhahit Gautam V., Babu G. Uday Baskar, Lee Jong-Ho, Dasari Hari Prasad, Nano Structure & Nano Objects 11 (2017) 7-12
12. Solubility Limits of Ceria-Zirconia-Lanthana Solid-Solutions
Zenab Abbas, Mythili Surendran, PA Anjana, PK Jidev, Harshini Dasari, N Sudhakar Naidu, S Anandhan, K Udaya Bhat, G Uday Bhaskar Babu, Hari Prasad Dasari, Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (2017) 9360-9364
13. Record-low sintering-temperature (600°C) of solid-oxide fuel cell electrolyte
Hari Prasad Dasari, Hyoungchul Kim, Jong-Ho Lee, Kiyong Ahn et al, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 672 (2016) 397-402
14. Role of Ceria-Zirconia solid-solution with high oxygen storage capacity in cermet anodes of solid oxide fuel cells
S-I.Lee, M.-B. Choi, D. Hari Prasad, et al, Journal of Electrochemical Society 161 (2014) 883-888
15. Synthesis, Sintering and conductivity behavior of ceria doped Scandia stabilized zirconia
D. Hari Prasad, J. Ahn, K. Ahn et al, Solid State Ionics 263 (2014) 103-109
16. Fabrication of thin film gadolinium-doped ceria (GDC) inters diffusion barrier layers for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFCs) by chemical solution deposition (CSD)
E.-O. Oh, C.-M. Whang, Y-R. Lee, S.Y. Park, D. Hari Prasad et al, Ceramics International 40 (2014) 8135-8142
17. Electrochemical characterization of Ni-Yttrium stabilized zirconia electrode for hydrogen production in solid-oxide fuel cells
D. Hari Prasad, S.Y. Park, K.-J.Yoon et al, Journal of Power Sources 240( 2013) 721-728
18. Hydrogen production from water splitting reaction based on RE-doped Ceria-Zirconia solid-solutions
D. Hari Prasad, K. Ahn, J.-H. Lee et al, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38 (2013) 6097-6103
19. Effect of sintering aid (CoO) on transport properties of Nano-crystalline Gd doped ceria
A.K. Baral, D. Hari Prasad, B.-K. Kim, J.-H. Lee, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 575 (2013) 455-460
20. Degradation mechanism of electrolyte and air electrode in solid-oxide electrolysis cells operating at high polarization
J.H. Kim, H.-I. Ji, D. Hari Prasad, K.J. Yoon et al, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38 (2013) 1225-1235
21. Extremely thin bi-layer electrolyte for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) fabricated by chemical solution deposition (CSD)
E.O.Oh, C.M.Whang, Y.R.Lee, S.Y.Park, D.Hari Prasad, H.-W. Lee et al, Material views (Advance materials) 24 (2012) 3373-3377
22. Structural characterization and catalytic activity of Ce0.65Zr0.25RE0.1O2-δ Nano-crystalline powders by glycine nitrate process
D. Hari Prasad, S.Y. Park, J.-H. Lee et al, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116 (2012) 3467-3476
23. Effect of steam content on nickel Nano-particle sintering and methane reforming activity of Ni-CZO anode cermet’s for internal reforming SOFCs
D. Hari Prasad, S .Y. Park, J.-H. Lee et al, Applied Catalysis A General, 411 (2012) 160-169
24. Synthesis of Nano-crystalline La1-xSrxCoO3-δ perovskite oxides by EDTA-Citrate complexion process and its catalytic activity for soot oxidation
D. Hari Prasad, S .Y. Park, J.-H. Lee et al, Applied catalysis A General 447 (2012) 100-106
25. Role of multivalent Pr in the formation and migration of oxygen vacancy in Pr doped Ceria: experimental and first principles investigations
K. Ahn, D.S. Yoo, D. Hari Prasad, J.-H. Lee et al, Chemistry of Materials 24( 2012) 4261-4267 Journal Name: chemistry of materials
26. Cobalt oxide co-doping effect on the sinter ability and electrical conductivity of Nano-crystalline Gd-doped ceria
D. Hari Prasad, S. Y. Park, J.-H. Lee, et al, Ceramics International 38 (2012) 497-500
27. A comparative study of catalytic partial oxidation of methane over CeO2 supported metallic catalysts
K. Ahn, Y.-C. Chang, J. H. Oh, D. Hari Prasad, J.-H.Lee et al, Journal of Nano Science and Technology, 11( 2011) 6414-6419
28. Effect of nickel Nano-particle sintering on methane reforming activity of Ni-CGO cermet anodes for internal steam reforming SOFCs
Dr. Hari Prasad, H.-I. Ji, J.-H. Lee et al, Applied Catalysis B : Environmental, 101 (2011) 531-539
29. A significant enhancement in sintering activity of Nano-crystalline Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 powder synthesized by glycine nitrate process
Dr. Hari Prasad, J.-W. Son, J.-H. Lee et al, Journal of Ceramic Processing Research, 11 (2010) 523-526
30. Correlation between the powder properties and sintering behaviors of Nano-crystalline gadolinium doped ceria
D. Hari Prasad, J.-H. Lee, J.-S. Park et al, Journal of Ceramics Processing Research 11(2010) 176- 183
31. Superior sinter ability of Nano-crystalline gadolinium doped ceria powders synthesized by co-precipitation method
D. Hari Prasad, H.-R. Kim, J.-H. Lee et al, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 495 (2010) 238-241
32. Electrochemical Behavior of Ni-CZO Cermet Anodes Prepared By Glycine Nitrate Process
DH Prasad, HR Kim, JS Park, HW Lee, JH Lee, ECS Transactions 25 (2009) 1921-1929
33. Chemical synthesis and characterization of CexZr1-xO2 powders by a modified sol-gel method
D. Hari Prasad, J.-H. Lee, J.-S. Park et al, Journal of Ceramic Processing Research, 10 (2009) 748-752
34. Superior compositional homogeneity and long-term catalytic stability of Ni–Ce0.75Zr0.25O2 cermet’s prepared via glycine nitrate process
D. Prasad, HR Kim, JW Son, BK Kim, HW Lee, JH Lee, Catalysis Communications, 10 (2009) 1334-1338
35. Single step synthesis of Nano-sized NiO–Ce0.75Zr0.25O2 composite powders by glycine nitrate process
D. Prasad, HY Jung, HG Jung, BK Kim, HW Lee, JH Lee, Materials Letter 62( 2008) 587-590
36. Synthesis of Nano-crystalline Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 electrolyte by novel sol–gel thermolysis process for IT-SOFCs
D. Prasad, JW Son, BK Kim, HW Lee, JH Lee, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 28 (2008) 3107-3112
37. Hydrogen production by catalytic decomposition of methane over Ni/SiO2.
A Venugopal, SN Kumar, J Ashok, D. Prasad, VD Kamari, KBS Prasad, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 32 (2007) 1782-1788
Conference proceeding papers
38. Solubility Limits of RE-doped Ceria-Zirconia Solid-Solutions
Surendran Mythili, Abbas Zenab, D. Hari Prasad ,
Materials Today: Proceedings
39. Internal steam reforming of methane over Ni-GDC anode particles prepared by glycine nitrate process for SOFC applications.
D. Hari Prasad, H.-R. Kim, J.-H. Lee et al.,
10th Asian Hydrogen Energy Conference (2009) 217-233.
Conference presentations
40. A study on soot oxidation activity of Nickel and Nickel oxide by EDTA citrate Method. 2018Dr. Hari Prasad Dasari, Akhil Vijay M P.
(National Conference 71 st Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineering
Congress (CHEMCON- December 2018).
41. Synthesis, Characterization and soot oxidation activity of Gadolinium Doped Ceria (Ce0.1Gd0.9O2). - 2018
Anjana P Anantharaman, Rahul M R, Sunaina Patil, Hari Prasad Dasari, Uday Bhaskar Babu Gara, Harshini Dasari.
(International Conference on Composite Material Science and Technology 2018- Thailand)
42. Solubility Limits of Ceria-Zirconia-Lanthana Solid-Solutions.
Zenab Abbas, Mythili Surendran, Anjana P.A, Jidev P.K, Harshini Dasari, Sudhakar Naidu N, Anandhan S ,Udaya Bhat K. Uday Bhaskar Babu G, Hari Prasad Dasaria,
Materials Today: Proceedings (ICEMS-2016, Jaipur). 2017
43. Electrochemical behavior of Ni-CZO cermet anodes prepared by glycine nitrate process.
D. Hari Prasad, H.-R Kim, J.-S. Park, B.-K. Kim, J.-H.Lee.
216th ECS Meeting, SOFC XI (2009), Vienna, Austria
44. Solubility Limit of Iron in ceria and Ceria-Zirconia Solid SOlutions.
D. Hari Prasad, Ian Koss, Sossina M. Haile.
9th Worksop on Reactive Metal Processing (2014), Caltech, Pasadena, CA.
1. Fabrication and structure of low-ans intermediate temperature operating SOFC by spin coating and low-temperature sintering. J.-W. Son, H.-W. Lee, J.-H. Lee, E.-O.Oh, B.-K.Kim, S.Y. Park, D.Hari Prasad , KR20130052286
2. Oxide fuel cell having pore –gradient structure for forming thin film electrolyte and the fabrication therof. J.-W. Son, J.-H. Lee, N.-H. Song, J.-C. Kim, D. Hari Prasad, E.-O. Oh, H.C. Kim, H.-R. Kim. KR101041933
Book/Book Chapters
1. Internal-Reforming of Methane over Ni-based SOFC anodes. Dasari Hari Prasad, Jong-Ho Lee LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Germany. ISBN-10: 3844392602.
Reviewer for Journals
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy •Journal of Electroceramics